financial assistance

You're not made of money, but money is precisely what it takes to study cosmetology, esthetics or manicuring. If the cost of tuition at Creviers School Cosmetology is problematic for you, we have a myriad of options for financial assistance, including government and VA funding, and private scholarships. Browse the links below to calculate your expected costs, and determine which financial assistance avenues would suit your needs best.



Financial Aid is available for all those who qualify for Pell Grants, Subsidized Direct Loans, Unsubsidized Direct Loans, loans through banks, finance companies or credit cards will be accepted for tuition payments if a lower monthly payment is needed through school. Private scholarships are also accepted.

The Manicuring program is not eligible for financial aid


Government & VA funding now available through the following agencies:

See Also:



Lovely experience!
— Cheri W., Facebook